То ли это официальный сайт, то ли фанский, но там сравнивают различия между оригинальной легендой и сериалом.
www.merlintvshow.com/page/Merlin+in+Arthurian+L...Цитирую кусочек таблички про Моргану.Comparison made by: Tina-S
Mythology to be compared: Morgana
How is it represented in Merlin TV? Morgana is the daughter of Uther's best friend. When her father dies, Uther takes the child Morgana as his ward and promises to take care of her. Morgana often disagrees with her guardian about executing magicians and challenges him constantly. She also has magic skills, so far they are diminished to foreseen dreams. Morgana is best friends with her maid servant Guinivere.
How is it represented in Arthurian Legend? Morgana is the daughter of Gorlois of Cornwall and Igraine, Arthur's mother. Therefore she is Arthur's half-sister. According to some versions of the legend they conceive a son, Mordred. Moreover, she is at odds with Guinivere and tries to tempt Lancelot.
Which version do you prefer? Why? I prefer the BBC version because the original legend is cruel, brutal and contains incest and deception. Additionally, the relationships between Morgana and Uther as well as Morgana and Guinivere are interesting and have a great potential. The best. Торжество победившего ханжества. Блин, почему-то страшно разозлило.